(+351) 252 331 481geral@ionizheat.com
Rua D. Afonso Henriques, 129 4760-480 Esmeriz - Vila Nova de Famalicão
Termionize Models

ionizheat8The four models of TERMIONIZE satisfy the different needs of heating, depending on the volume in m3. In the case of greatest need the same boilers can be installed in series.

The primary and secondary hydraulic circuits in copper and stainless steel offer superior strength, longevity and performance optimised. The control system optimizes the power/consumption in order to ensure an efficient and economic system.

The efficiency of the heating system is dependent on various factors such as the scaling of the heating installation itself, kind of dissipation (radiators, underfloor heating, fan coil units ect., the volume of space heating and energy efficiency of housing taking into account the characteristics of the construction.

By consulting the following table can check which model best fits your needs.

Modern construction according to the RCCTE (*) Ancient building or with low efficiency
Volume (m3) Volume (m3)
Model Comments Power Floor heating Radiators Floor heating Radiators
10K Single-phase 230V 10kW 290 245 220 190
15K Single-phase 230V 15kW 360 320 280 230
27K Three Phase 3x230V+N 19kW 690 575 510 430
46K Three Phase 3x230V+N 36kW 1600 1400 1200 1000

RCCTE – Regulation of Thermal Behavior characteristics of buildings
Decree-Law 80/2006, of 4 April.