(+351) 252 331 481geral@ionizheat.com
Rua D. Afonso Henriques, 129 4760-480 Esmeriz - Vila Nova de Famalicão
Termionize – Electric Heating Boiler

ionizheatl6TERMIONIZE is an electric heating boiler that uses a simple concept and higher efficiency compared to conventional heating systems.

At its base is a military technology incorporated in submarines of the former USSR and in aerospace stations.

Used in extreme conditions, requiring very little space for its installation and with the ability to raise the temperature quickly, being silent, safe and reliable at the same time, it proved to be ideal to meet the needs of most diverse heating.

TERMIONIZE technology is the result of 5 years of experience operating our electrical heating boiler for electrolysis, which allows you to achieve savings in the order of 50% compared to a diesel boiler or propane, in identical conditions of use.

The simplicity of the system mechanic optimizes its durability, ensuring a quality product in accordance with CE standards, where all the manufacturing process is subject to a strict control.

Note: for further technical information please contact us by email.