(+351) 252 331 481geral@ionizheat.com
Rua D. Afonso Henriques, 129 4760-480 Esmeriz - Vila Nova de Famalicão
EndoTherm – Additive for Central Heating Systems

EndoTherm – Energy & Gas Saving Central Heating Additive
EndoTherm is a unique, energy & gas saving central heating additive independently proven to save 15% on heating bills


How EndoTherm Works

EndoTherm is an energy saving additive which can be added to any wet based central heating system.


  • Due to the surface tension of fluid and imperfections in materials inside heating systems optimal thermal contact is not made.
  • When dosed EndoTherm stably changes the surface tension of the fluid by over 60% whilst remaining non-corrosive.
  • This increases the thermal contact which improves heat transfer rate and efficiency.
  • Resulting in rooms reaching determined temperature quicker and staying warmer for longer.
  • Return water temperature is lower which allows boilers to condensate more efficiently and recover more latent heat.
  • Less fuel is consumed to maintain thermostatically set temperature.